
Our Customers

AcuShot Inc.
Development of next generation controller and software for the AcuShot A Needle-Free injector.
Axela Biosensors
Control software and related development for the dotLab™ protein-‍characterization instrument.
City of Toronto
Development of software that controls the City's Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) testing robot, used in waste water testing to measure one factor that can indicate pollution.*
Constraints Management Systems Inc.
Provided agile process consulting at an early stage of development for CMS' RoadRunner application.
Ruckus Wireless Inc
Advanced web-based analysis tool for debug logs from Ruckus' wireless LAN systems.
Safeguard Biosystems Inc
Instrument control software for Safeguard's microarray system.
Speed to Market Inc.
Development of web-based document management system for use as part of their Quality Management System in places such as biotechnology startups.
Xceed Molecular Inc
Development of instrument control software for the Ziplex™ microarray system.

Other Customers

Past customers have also included the following:

* Engenuity works with Turnkey Automation to bring our system design, project management, and agile software development expertise to some of our customers.

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